Mother’s Day
Me and my mom in 1984
Years ago my mom showed me a journal she kept after I was born that detailed my entire first year of life. She received it as a gift at her baby shower and it’s in the format of a calendar with a space for a short entry each day—which she dutifully filled out in full because that’s the kind of person she is.
While she offered to give it to me that day, I knew I’d appreciate it more if I ever had a child of my own, so she stored it away for me, patiently waiting (probably for a lot longer than she was anticipating, sorry Mum 😉) for me to have a baby.
When I went home to Cape Cod last month to introduce my family to Baby Zane, she brought the journal back out to finally pass on to me, and it’s been such a treasure to read through.
She and I had very similar experiences with pregnancy, and as it turns out, with early motherhood as well. While there are days where the only words written are, “Give me strength,” or “I’m tired and scared,” the majority of her entries paint the first year of my life as a really special and joyful time for her and my dad—as it has been for Dan and I as well with Zane—with entries that read, “I’ve never been happier“ and “I never thought I could love anyone the way I do my little Danne.”
Motherhood: I still don’t think I fully understand it and I’m not quite used to having the title of “Mom” just yet, but I do feel very fortunate to have the privilege of experiencing it in this lifetime.
To my Mum: Thank you for the unconditional love and great care you put into mothering me—and you’re welcome for being such a great baby. 😉
And to my little Baby Zane: It’s truly an honor to be your guide and your safe space in this life. You’re one cool baby and I think we’re going to have a lot of fun together.
The infamous baby journal—straight out of the ‘80s