The Freedom to Overindulge
My girlfriends and I overindulging in some shopping in Detroit during our annual “Girl’s Weekend Winter Edition”
You know how every year when the holiday season rolls around you make a bunch of unrealistic promises to yourself to not go totally off the rails? Yeah, I didn’t bother with that this year. Instead of committing to doubling down on self-care and limiting guilty pleasures like I have in the past, I did the opposite—I gave myself complete freedom to overindulge and I didn’t entertain any guilty feelings about any of it.
I made sure to sample every single sugar-filled, nutrient-free food in the office break room.
I drank wine…and bourbon…and beer—often.
I bought myself a present every time a sale email came in from one of my favorite stores.
I said yes to every social gathering I was invited to and stayed out way later than I should have.
I barely made it to the gym—or my yoga mat.
I didn’t take a social media break.
I ate out way more than I cooked.
I chose cheese and bread over vegetables every time the opportunity presented itself.
Basically, I did what I wanted to instead of what I thought I should do. If you ask me, January is for the “shoulds.” December is for celebrating.
Now, can I live like this all the time? No. But did it feel great to give myself a get out of jail free card for a month? Oh, yeah. And for someone who has subsisted on beige food and pink wine for the past 6 weeks, I somehow feel amazing?
Maybe I just needed a fun month, but I think I don’t feel like shit because I didn’t give myself shit. I leaned in. I didn’t fight the inevitable. I knew that the jig would be up soon enough and that my normal healthy habits would return, so I let myself go for it—and I did.
The holidays are meant to be enjoyed. Enjoy them. The “Get-Your-Shit-Together-Months” will be here soon enough.