Tofu Veggie Spread Recipe
When I was growing up, there was a health food store down the street from us called Cape Cod Natural Foods. While I loved 80s junk food as much as the next kid, I equally enjoyed all the hippie treats my mom would buy me at the health food store, like frozen yogurt push pops, flavored honey sticks, and Panda Licorice, but my favorite thing we’d get there was Tofu Veggie Spread.
![5 Ways to Eat More Kale](
5 Ways to Eat More Kale
I love kale…everyone knows this about me, right? For years I drove around with an “Eat More Kale” bumper sticker on my car, I own a “Drink More Kale” shirt (I even put an “Eat More Kale” onesie on my baby registry because how could I not?), and now that I have a garden, I love growing my own kale.
![In Search of a Morning Routine](
In Search of a Morning Routine
As someone who loves structure, I’m surprised I’ve never had a dedicated morning routine. People swear by them and say having one has changed their life, so I’ve always wanted one…but I’ve just never been quite sure where to start.
![Taste-Testing Non-Alcoholic Beer & Wine for Dry January](
Taste-Testing Non-Alcoholic Beer & Wine for Dry January
After a year of drinking more than I wanted to (20-freaking-20, you too?), I was feeling the need for a little reset, so I decided to embark on Dry January, a.k.a. taking a break from booze for the first month of the year.
![Natural Beauty Product “Shelfie”](
Natural Beauty Product “Shelfie”
A few years ago I was raving to my bestie Sondra about how much I loved Trader Joe’s new beauty products (I am a TJ’s fangirl), specifically their rose water spray and rose face oil. An employee of the store at the time, I thought she would share in my enthusiasm, but as best friends often do, she offered me a reality check instead.
Moon Rituals
The other day I found myself leafing through Pema Chödrön's book, Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change (which is a must-read always, but especially right now), and rereading the pages I have dog-eared.
![My Favorite Virtual Health & Wellness Resources](
My Favorite Virtual Health & Wellness Resources
Well, I’ve officially entered my 5th week of quarantine—as much of America has due to the coronavirus pandemic that has turned the world upside down. I take long walks in my neighborhood every day and make my weekly trip to the grocery store, but otherwise, it’s just me and Dan in our little midcentury ranch all day, every day.
![5 Things I Do Every Morning](
5 Things I Do Every Morning
Ok, so I should start by saying that this is 100% not a post about my elaborate morning routine. Spoiler alert: I don’t have one. It’s about something really simple I do every morning that involves very little time and effort, but that has had a positive impact on my life.
![My Morning Green Juice Recipe](
My Morning Green Juice Recipe
For the past year or so, I’ve gotten into the habit of drinking a giant green juice for breakfast. I started doing it for a cleanse, but I quickly discovered that it felt pretty great to knock out 3 servings of vegetables by 9 a.m.
![How I “Self-Care:” A Little Nature & A Lotta Nurture](
How I “Self-Care:” A Little Nature & A Lotta Nurture
People in my life have often asked me how I’m always so "calm" and "easy-going." “What do you do? Don’t you ever get angry and lose it?” Part of it is certainly nature—if you’ve met my dad you know what I mean, he is the most even-keeled, laid-back human being I know.
![A Simple Ayurvedic Cleanse](
A Simple Ayurvedic Cleanse
Back in the Spring, I did my first Ayurvedic Cleanse led by Katie Silcox of the Shakti School. Typically, I have a fairly healthy diet and a strong self-care routine, but from time to time I'll get off track, and while I know that my body naturally cleanses and detoxifies itself (thanks liver!), I've found that doing a short cleanse helps me get back to healthy habits.
![How to Make Kombucha at Home](
How to Make Kombucha at Home
"The Tea of Immortality", aka kombucha, has been around for centuries, but has only recently gained popularity in the west—probably because probiotics are such a hot topic right now. Being the typical yoga hipster that I am, I got hooked on 'buch after consuming copious quantities of it at Wanderlust Festival a few years back, and with the encouragement of my mom (who has been brewing it for years), I eventually started making my own.