In Search of a Morning Routine
As someone who loves structure, I’m surprised I’ve never had a dedicated morning routine. People swear by them and say having one has changed their life, so I’ve always wanted one…but I’ve just never been quite sure where to start.

My Favorite Virtual Health & Wellness Resources
Well, I’ve officially entered my 5th week of quarantine—as much of America has due to the coronavirus pandemic that has turned the world upside down. I take long walks in my neighborhood every day and make my weekly trip to the grocery store, but otherwise, it’s just me and Dan in our little midcentury ranch all day, every day.

How I “Self-Care:” A Little Nature & A Lotta Nurture
People in my life have often asked me how I’m always so "calm" and "easy-going." “What do you do? Don’t you ever get angry and lose it?” Part of it is certainly nature—if you’ve met my dad you know what I mean, he is the most even-keeled, laid-back human being I know.